Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Assignment #8 (A)

“He had sworn that he wouldn’t, once he’d gone back to civilization, even when he found out that once he was sixteen he could actually quit school if he wanted to and had his parents’ consent.” (Brian’s Hunt p.9)


chinyin said...

This sentence has two independent clauses and five dependent clauses. The first independent clauses is “He had sworn;” “He’” is the subject and “had sworn” is the verb. The second independent clause is “he could actually quit school;” the subject is “he” and the verb is “could…quit.” There are five dependent clauses. They are “that he wouldn’t,” “once he’d gone back to civilization,” “when he found out that once,” “ever…he was sixteen,” and “if he wanted to and had his parents’ consent.” The subject is “he” and the verb is “would” in the first dependent clause; the subject is “he” and the verb is “‘d gone” in the second dependent clause. The third subject-verb combination is “he” and “found” and then the subject is “he” and the verb is “was” in the forth dependent clause. The last subject-verb combination is “he” and “wanted.” Therefore, the sentence type is compound-complex.

Unknown said...
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Chantal Melo said...

This is a compound-complex sentence because it has two independent clauses and six dependent clauses. The first independent clause is “He had sworn" and the second independent clause is "he could actually quit school". The first dependent clause is "that he wouldn’t", the second dependent clause is "once he’d gone back to civilization", the third dependent clause is "even when he found out", the fourth dependent clause is "that once he was sixteen", the fifth dependent clause is "if he wanted to" and the final and sixth dependent clause is "and had his parents’ consent.” This sentence also has seven subject and verb agreements. The first one is "He had sworn", the second one is "he wouldn’t", the third one is "he'd gone", the fourth one is "he found", and five one is "he was", the sixth one is "he could" and the seventh one is "he wanted".

Md khieu said...

“c that he wouldn’t, once he’d gone back to civilization, even when he found out that once he was sixteen he could actually quit school if he wanted to and had his parents’ consent.”

This is a compound and complex sentence because it has two independent clauses and five dependent clauses. The first independent clause is "
“He had sworn." The subject is " he" and "had sworn" is the verb. The second independent clause is " he could actually quit school ." The subject is "he" and " could quit" is the verb. There are five dependent clauses . The first clause is "that he wouldn’t."The subordinate conjuntion is " that." The second dependent is "once he’d gone back to civilization." The third is "even when he found out." The fourth is "that once he was sixteen ." The last depedent clause is "if he wanted to and had his parents’ consent.”